Saturday, September 05, 2009

New day; New Dyson

Tom and I went shopping this morning and bought a new Dyson vacuum cleaner. I am so excited!

I had worked out which one I needed thanks to a very lovely lady on Dyson's customer helpline. She sent me an email in response to my email to them suggesting they add a quiz to their website to help customers chose a model. She said if I called her she would talk me through the range and help me decide which one I needed. So I called on through the week and spent 30 minutes discussing the pros and cons of each model.

Due to my dust allergy, the HEPA filter models were a must and as I have mostly hard floors I didn't need the motorised head versions. So in the end we decided I needed the DC23 Turbine Plus which comes with the hard floor tool.
A quick trip to David Jones this morning with their 15% off sale means I got a bargain.

We have already vacuumed the whole house and been revolted at the amount of dust that came out of the rug in the lounge especially.


Hippomanic Jen said...

I am slowly going green this end. Mum has a Dyson and I saw how much dust it got out of the carpet first time. I was secretly lusting after one when our old one broke down. It finally died and my wonderful Beloved came home with a special surprise addition to our family. Now I've just got to find a way to kill it!

Givinya De Elba said...

Forgetting the filter and/or the bag is a good way to kill one [bag-style vac], I found.

Try sucking half a beanbagful of polystyrene beans into the motor. Should do the trick.

But I too now have a Dyson, and you'll be happy with it! It's just that there are actually 3 filters you need to clean, and they're hidden. If you use your Dyson for a few years without cleaning these, you DO lose suction, despite what the posh-voiced lady on the ad claims.

I can send you a pic of where these 3 filters are, if you're not sure where all of them are ...?

Femina said...

I am sooooo jealous! But trying to be a grown up and just be happy for you. :)

Hmmm... and when did I reach an age where I'm jealous of someone's vacuum cleaner?

Long dark hair, blue eyes said...

Jen - Perhaps your current vacuum cleaner is really desperately needed by a family in need? And your generous gift to them would leave you clear to buy the vacuum you want :)

Kate - I did see that there was a filter to clean - but the instructions to this one say there is only one filter - could it be there are another two it doesn't mention? photos would be good.

Femina - I think you reached the age of being jealous about a vacuum cleaner at about the same time I reached the age where I am excited enough about buying one to blog about it.

pam said...

Isn't it amazing what it picks up?!

Allegro ma non troppo said...

The only thing that annoys me about my Dyson is that the motor head chokes on anything slightly large, like small leaves. I know you can get a separate head for that, but come on...

LOVE the amount of dust and dirt they get up. Love not buying bags.

JennyMac said...

Love that Dyson and am completely coveting it!