Saturday, September 12, 2009

I am an addict, its cool, I feel alright

When I started my current job I took up drinking coffee as a social activity. I have never been much of a coffee drinker although I am quite partial to a few blends of tea.

Over the last year the coffee trips have become more and more regular. I find that I now go to get a coffee in the morning even when no one else goes with me. So obviously I have moved from social drinker to addict.

I have also been having problems sleeping. I am ok when I get off to sleep but falling asleep has become difficult and frustrating. There is nothing more stressful that knowing how tired you will be in the morning and how much you have to do but not being able to get to sleep.

So yesterday I decided to cut down my coffee intake. One of my coffee buddies is going on holidays so there will be less reason to go and get a hit every day.

After having an entirely coffee free day yesterday; today I woke up today with a terrible headache. I know why. And it is sooo tempting to have a quick coffee because I know that will get rid of it but I can't. So I had a panadol and a big glass of water and will try to get on with my day.

I hope the withdrawal side-effects don't last very long. I slept brilliantly last night and had no trouble falling asleep for once. But I am unaccustomed to headaches and have a low pain tolerance so I know I will be running back to coffee if this goes on for too long.


Marjie said...

My husband has to drink his coffee weak - about half strength - so he doesn't get jittery. He never has trouble sleeping, though; it's the awakening part that's bothersome.

I only drink tea - not too strong, with a touch of milk.

Femina said...

Believe it or not, it's actually better for you to wean yourself off caffeine slowly rather than going cold turkey. It cuts down the headaches and your body isn't so shocked.

Also, GOOD quality decaf coffee tastes the same as normal coffee. Like Vittoria, for example. I've given it to coffee snobs (without telling them) and they couldn't tell the difference.

Givinya De Elba said...

Oh poor ldhbe! We're here for you, cheering you on!

I drink decaf (not that caffeine seems to mess too badly with my blood presure) and I was worried it would taste gross. But I agree with Femina - it's great.

I only drink from 2x day to 1x month though, so I'm an occasional coffee drinker - not an expert.

Allegro ma non troppo said...

Poor you! You might need to do the 12 steps program or something...

ha ha ha. Hope the head settles down.

Unknown said...

you know there is a simple solution to this problem... One of my customers found the answer: A coffee machine on your desk.

Kim Ayres said...

I restrict myself to 2 cups of coffee a day - one mid morning and the other mid afternoon.

But I make sure they're damn good coffees :)