Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Garden Tuesday - B is for Bougainvillea

OK there has been no A yet so that title is kind of lame but here we go anyway....

We have a Bougainvillea growing outside our bedroom window.

It blooms a beautiful pink shade which almost make me forget about the massive thorns which tear my skin each and every time I trim it.

Almost but not quite.

This is the view out our bedroom window to the north. The sun shines in every morning and the pink petal glow in the bright light.

They are beautiful. Pink always was my favorite color.

Bougainvillea are native to South America but because of the similarity in climate it thrives in BrisVegas, Australia.

I love the way it clings to the side of the house. I love the way it seems to put on about thirty centimeters every time I turn my back.

I hate trimming it. It bites me. My delicate white flesh always comes out second best to the spikes which grow on every inch of every branch.

But overall it is a great plant.


Tom N-S Technical Blog said...

Great photos baby!!!


Givinya De Elba said...

Maybe I will grow this on the fence outside our bedroom ... does it need full sun all day, or would it be okay to be in shade a fair bit?

Hippomanic Jen said...

Love the Bogies - they thrive all through Central Queensland, too - I love it when you're driving along and see two tilted house stumps and a Bougainvillea and know that once upon a time there was an old homestead there - and the Bogie lives on...

They come in such a rich variety of colours and can't be killed. But you are certainly right about the thorns and the growth pattern.

pam said...

It's beautiful!!