Wednesday, September 02, 2009

If you want a Dyson, it's got to be a Dyson

I am looking at buying a new vacuum cleaner.

As I have mentioned previously the vacuum cleaner I have now was purchased very cheaply many moons ago and is not up to the job. It is crap. Very very crap.

I am looking at buying a new one and due to my dust allergy I have decided to buy something good (read; expensive). I am currently look at getting a Dyson because, as their motto goes,

"If you want a Dyson, it's got to be a Dyson"

I am not joking - that is what it says on their website. What an odd motto.

The selection process commenced in earnest a few weeks ago while I was supposed to be studying. I have really moved on from the muffin baking I used to do while procrastinating study as a 17 year old - no?

I have spent hours reading the Dyson website trying to decide which Dyson is for me. Honestly I have trouble understanding the differences in the technical specifications. I am seriously considering just buying the lightest one. That is really the only spec I could properly comprehend. They really needed a quiz, like the one on the Olay website, which would tell me which model would best suit my needs.

I think a trip to my local full service department store is in order. And what do you know; they have 15% off Dysons at the moment. What a coincidence.


Vanessa said...

I want a DC23 contact with the mattress and hard floor tools. Unless we get the HEPA version which is possible but the accessories remain the same.

pam said...

We got a Dyson and I love it. I have no idea what model it is, only that it's yellow.

Femina said...

Speaking as someone who used to clean for a living, even the bottom end Dysons are pretty amazing.