Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Garden Tuesday - Herbs

I love using fresh herbs in my cooking.

The smell and texture of fresh parsley in my spaghetti carbonara or bolognaise is heavenly. And no fruit salad would be complete without mint.

My issue is my unnerving ability to kill plants in pots. I forget to water them for long periods of time. This causes them to dry out and then they die. I get sad. I go grocery shopping and buy more herbs. I forget to water them....the simplicity of the circle of life is really quite astonishing.

Tom is very helpful with herbs as he can remember to water plants in pot. When his help is sought the herbs last much longer.

At the moment I have two types of parsley on the go as pictured below....

I also have basil and mint. The two parsleys have been around for quite some time but the others are "new" this week.

1 comment:

pam said...

I'm going to try and bring some of my herbs in this winter and grow them in pots. We'll see!