Monday, January 26, 2009

Random House Returns

You may remember a while ago I mentioned that I had received a unexpected parcel? Well the mystery has been solved.

It turns out that my brother sent me a book as a Birthday present.

Apparently he did tell me that it was coming and that I should expect something in the mail - but the time between that discussion and the arrival of the package was sufficient that I had completely forgotten the discussion and did not put the two things together.

The book was "The Name of the Wind" by Patrick Rothfuss. It was excellent and only disappointing in so far as it is the first in a trilogy and neither of the other books have been published yet. I am waiting with baited breath for book two - which is due to be released in April.

But anyway - mystery solved!


Hippomanic Jen said...

Well at least you know it was meant to be yours! I'm glad you enjoyed it, but isn't it painful when the author and publishers haven't yet got themselves organised?

Kitty and Glen said...

Here's hoping the author doesn't die suddenly or lose all interest in writing any time soon!