Monday, January 19, 2009

walk along the beach

Last week Tom and I went for a stroll along the beach. We walked out from our apartment and across the road to the bush path that seemed to lead in the direction of the ocean. The path went for longer than we expected, but we could see the ocean in the distance.

After walking a few minutes we came across another couple who were walking back up the other way. I asked for directions from them and the gent let me know that there were two beaches along the path; one of which was a nudist beach. He gave us directions to both and said that if we were after the nudist one to let him know and he would be back down to have a look in ten minutes. Funny.

Anyway we did go to the nudist beach but there were no nudists there. Lucky for us. It was a nice beach hidden between two rocky points. There were a few pretty rock pools with fish in them.

All in all it was a nice stroll on the beach.


Femina said...

It looks very peaceful and refreshing. Glad you didn't run into any nudists - that would have made it an entirely different kind of holiday!

Swift Jan said...

Nudist beaches always make holidays more interesting LOL
Glad you had a nice time

Hippomanic Jen said...

Sounds like a lovely way to spend an afternoon.

I'm glad you didn't say, "there were no OTHER nudists there" ;)