Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Coastal Markets

Tom and I went to the Eumundi Markets the week before last. They were huge and I mean HUGE. I have never ever been to markets this big. There were hundreds and hundred of stalls and thousands of people there - and it was a Wednesday!

I am not really into crafty things so my main purchasing focus was food. Yes, food, glorious food. I ate hot sausage with mustard (and sauerkraut) from the German Sausage Hut. I ate Dutch poffertjes with icing sugar. And I bought a raspberry tart from the stall below - the lady from " Swiss Cakes" had such a lovely selection I almost couldn't chose - but I worked through it and was very happy with my choice.

The fashion of those at the markets was varied (at best) but these boots/sandals really take the cake. I mean who would leave the house in these? There is not way that they could be comfortable.


Hippomanic Jen said...

Oh, your post reminds me that we haven't heard much of you at Skinny Cow recently. ;)

(Sounds like my nickname should be "evilla" - hang on, that's just the word verification!)

Sounds like a wonderful relaxing day.

Givinya De Elba said...

Heck, Skinny Cow hasn't heard from ME either! That's because I am a rapidly fattening cow.

Ready for slaughter?


Check out those boots/sandals! Built for style, not for service.