Friday, March 27, 2009


This post is all about embarrassment - mine!

It all started with my last coles online grocery order. For those of your who have not used this service - with each order you receive a couple of free testers for you to try. Usually these are new products or trial size packs of things they hope you will buy next time. I have had terriaki sauce, olay moisturiser, breakfast cereal and other similar things in previous orders.

In my last order I got a free sample of Dove moisturiser to try. It looked really nice so I have been saving it for when my skin is dry. Last night was my chance. I had been swimming in the local public pool and there was LOTS of chlorine in the water which had made my skin a bit dry. So after my shower and before I went to sleep last night I sat down on the bed in my PJs and rubbed the moisturiser into my arms and legs.

Except that it wasn't moisturiser. It was body wash. Soap.

It knew immediately that it wasn't right but I had already spread it onto both arms and legs. So embarrassed and quite soapy I slowly made my way to the bathroom, trying not to get "body wash" on my PJs. Irritated beyond words by that stage I stubbornly refused to have a second shower and wiped the soap off with a hand towel.

To be fair to the dove product which has 1/4 moisturiser - it didn't dry my skin out any more than it already was. And it did smell very nice. But I won't be buying it in my next order.


Hippomanic Jen said...

Thanks for contributing one of those stories that could so easily have happened to me. I appreciate the giggle!

Femina said...

That could SO have happened to me - right down to the "refusing to have a second shower" part. At least it was body wash and not the teriyaki sauce.

Anonymous said...

Yep. It could have happened to me too. In fact, I've been known to put body wash in my hair and shampoo on my legs.