Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Back to the grindstone

I have started back at uni.

This means a few things.
  1. I am having trouble finding time to wash the clothes, clean the house, make the food, shop, etc
  2. I am stressed
  3. I am keeping myself under close supervision to ensure I don't get too stressed.
But apart from the occasional insanity it is going well. I am not ahead in the work by any means but I am keeping up with it so far and I am certainly better prepared to deal with working full time and studying this year than last because now I know what it is like.

For those who don't know I am studying law, because... I can.


Hippomanic Jen said...

I'm so proud of you, but have to ask WHY?!!?

Oh, because you can.

Fair enough, you masochist

Givinya De Elba said...

Wow. I wish I could. I mean, even if I could, I wouldn't. I'd just like to have the sort of GPA that meant I could. That's all I'm sayin. You go girl.

Unknown said...

I think I would have substituted " 'm insane" for "can" :)

Anonymous said...

Duuude. I feel your pain. Although I think you've got it worse than me studying rather than teaching. Although at least you don't have to mark 400 pieces of assessment this semester!

We shall walk to avoid stress. Exercise works wonders!

Anonymous said...

Having a routine may work for you and working on one thing at a time in small chunks may help. Put on a load of washing then Study for 30 mins then have a break and hang it out. Same with housework. Don't be a perfectionist, just get the basics done and when things get easier do a thorough clean or tidy up. Hope it helps, good luck with your studies.

pam said...

Oh my goodness, you have alot on your plate!