Thursday, April 09, 2009

Gone but not forgotten

I did it.

I cut 20 cm off my hair. Thats right. 20. cm.

I don't think I can really call myself LDHBE anymore but I am going to go with it anyway.

I have short hair now - and it seems to be very curly. Those who know me IRL will know that this is a regular 18 month to 2 yearly event, so I wasn't stressed out or upset by it like some people expected me to be.

I have to admit though that I can barely keep my hand off it. It is like have a new toy!


Anonymous said...

Cool! I can't wait to see your new haircut :)

Kitty and Glen said...

I've ALWAYS been jealous of your hair, as you know, and really like it short! (Saying that always sounds like I therefore DON'T like it long, but you know that's not true either.)
Wish I was there!

pam said...

After I would cut my long hair, I would catch myself doing phantom long hair things. Like holding it back when I was getting a drink from a fountain.

Hippomanic Jen said...

Yep. Agree with Pam about the Phantom long hair things. Too much shampoo; ricking my shoulder when brushing my hair because I'd run out of hair resistance half-way through the stroke; Dumb stuff like that.

Enjoy it short. I used to LOVE going to the hairdressers and telling them to cut it off layered when it was longer than bra-strap length. They'd always panic, but I know my hair grows quickly.

Allegro ma non troppo said...

Your hair always looks gorgeous - enjoy it shorter! It strikes me I haven't seen you IRL for something crazy like 10 years.

Givinya De Elba said...

Whoops. That previous comment was actually ME, logged in as my sister. Apologies. Weird, as I don't thin you and my sister have ever met ...?

You have lovely hair in common, I guess that's a start.

Viola said...

I had my long hair cut off at about 22 after a bad break-up. My hair's curly too so it was probably completely the wrong hair-style - I was wanting a straight bob! Anyway after a few years I went back to shoulder-length but now that I'm getting older I may have to think about another new hair-style!

I wasn't like you, though - I cried when my hair was cut too short!