Sunday, February 08, 2009

The Party: The planning

My Grandmother turned 90 this year. This wonderful event had to be celebrated so I organised a party for all her family and friends. The tragedy of living to this wonderful age is that you see most of your friends pass away - so sadly there were not many friends to invite - but lots of family.

I have organised several parties over the last few years, including my husband's 30th for 40 people and my mother's 60th for 80 people. As a result I have a pretty good template for parties. But the best parties take lots of people helping. So I took the natural course of action for the public servant I am; I held a meeting.

Well it was more of an afternoon tea. But it was great. I invited my parents, brother, cousin and mother's cousin. After some heated discussion and debate we had decided on a format, menu and assigned tasks. From this I created a spreadsheet and a comprehensive word document including a run timetable.

We were well on our way to a very organised, smoothly running party.


Femina said...

As a semi-obsessive organiser, this just brings tears to my eyes. A spreadsheet! A thing of beauty...


Unknown said...

how did the party go?

Hippomanic Jen said...

Yeah, I'm worried about the spreadsheet. That is so what I would do. And my Beloved would laugh at me.