Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentines Day

Tom and I celebrated Valentine's Day this year more so than most - in that we actually remembered on the day to say " Happy Valentines Day". I went as far updating my facebook status to reflect my Valentine's Day wishes to my dear husband. I know I know...we are a very romantic couple :)

But seriously - as if love should be celebrated one day a year with flowers, a nice dinner and some sexy new underwear. I think that would be selling love short. Love is so much more than that.

Love is the back rub I am getting while writing this post. It is the packet of pink tictacs that my husband bought me a few months ago because I love pink and I love tictacs. It is the cuddle when I am tired and feeling sorry for myself. And getting up in the middle of the night to get me a panadol because I have a headache. Love is the thousand of little things my husband does for me every week. Not the one dinner he buys me once a year.


Anonymous said...

Amen, sister. And the trick with love is to recognise it when you have it. Some people never realise they've got it so lucky. I know this from recent experience :)

Hippomanic Jen said...

Yes, it is all those things, but my Beloved was secretly planning to take me out for dinner, but then I had a friend ring up to say she had a weekend off and could she come to visit? So we went to the Valentines Day special dinner with three of us!