Monday, December 22, 2008

Cuckoo, Cuckoo!

My goodness....what was that noise?

Oh, it was just my cuckoo clock.

When I was in Switzerland earlier in the year I bought a cuckoo clock. It has taken us a while but it is now on our wall and I love it.

But let me tell you every time the little cuckoo pops out and sings "cuckoo, cuckoo" it scares the hell out of me!


Femina said...

So... anyone else have that song from The Sound of Music stuck in their head on a continuous loop now? "...and up in the nursery an absurd little bird is popping out to say cuckoo...cuckoo!"

No? Just me, then.

Swift Jan said...

LOL now that you mention it Femina!! :P
You will have to post a picture of the clock!!

Hippomanic Jen said...

I love that song from The Sound of Music.

But for me Cuckoo clocks remind me of my Grandma, who always had one. One day my OTHER Grandma was complaining about being called 'Horsey Grandma' to differentiate between the two. Whereupon the first Grandma told her that SHE was called 'Cuckoo Grandma'. I think Cuckoo Grandma won the battle of least popular title!

So even 20+ years later whenever I see or hear a cuckoo clock I think of my Grandma.