Monday, December 01, 2008

Council pick up

The local council is currently having a pick up in my area.

What does this mean for me?
That my entire suburb looks like a dump while people pile mounds of junk they don't want on the footpath for collection. It is very ugly and untidy.

Did I participate?
Yes. I put out one old table. That is all. Not twelve old mattresses and all the old clothes that I have been going to give to charity - like one household I drove past.

Funniest thing
I was amused by my neighbor who put out an old cane old lounge suit only to have it taken by a passer-by within minutes of hitting the footpath. She was happy it was going to a good home but not so happy that the people who took it had left a really ugly lounge suit in its place. Obviously they have only room for one couch and hers was better that the other one they had picked up.


Femina said...

Oh, I love the hard rubbish collection. I love seeing what I can pick up (scavenging during council clean up week is a proud tradition) and I love seeing how quickly things go. My old microwave formerly belonged to friends who received it as a wedding present 24 years ago. When it finally died it happened to be clean up week, so I put it out on the curb. Ten minutes later I rang my friends to tell them it had already gone to a new home. I live right near a main road but my street doesn't get much traffic... do people have some sort of radar to tell them when new stuff hits the curb??

Givinya De Elba said...

Ha! Seriously did that happen?

Hippomanic Jen said...

I love the way everyone goes out scrounging.

In the olden days (when transfer stations weren't even a twinkle in the Council's eye) the tip face used to be open to the public. You could scrounge so much good stuff there. My Grandad used to call it 'Mitre Eleven', because it was one better than Mitre Ten. (A hardware shop, for those not from Oz)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that someone would swap one junk couch for another! Wonders will never cease... ROFL!

Long dark hair, blue eyes said...

yep. That seriously happened!