Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Mobile Phone Race Face

Have you ever noticed (Gosh that sounds like a stand up comic) the look on peoples faces when their mobile phone rings? They get this funny look of intense concentration. I call it the mobile phone race face.

Women are especially bad mostly because they know the ring tone is coming from the depths of their purse and it will take all their skill and luck to find it before it stops ringing.

I have done it myself many times. Usually I get to the phone just before it diverts to voicemail and it is all I can do not to answer with "What?" when I pick up. There is usually a sense of "why are you calling now? I was nowhere near my phone and had to scramble to find it". The irony is that I have the mobile so that people can call me anytime. But to be fair I often prefer text messages - which I can get to in my own time.

1 comment:

Hippomanic Jen said...

I've just discovered that someone I don't know is following my blog - and it's you. Wow. Most of my commenters are friends. You've made my week. I'm also with you on the odd mobile face thing. My other trick is to leave it on my desk charging when I go out. I hope no-one desperately wants to talk to me!