Wednesday, November 11, 2009

You are what you eat

I seem to go through phases with food. Whether it be soup, salad, weight watchers, or vegan there is always something that I preference eating.

My current food is choice is frozen meals. Thus my freezer looks like this;
I used to just buy them occasionally for when I was home on a Wednesday night and Tom was out playing squash. I lacked the motivation to cook a meal for myself and a lean cuisine is a better choice nutritionally that a Vegemite sandwich or bowl of cereal.

More recently I have been buying these to have in stock for Tom when I travel. I used to cook meals and freeze them before I left, but my motivation to do that is long gone.

This year I have started buying them to eat while Tom is a squash, for Tom to eat while I am away and for us both to eat when I work past 6:30 pm and/or am too tired to cook when I get home from work.

So now, instead or once a week, we seem to eat these a few times a week. I suppose they are better than the fast food choices we would make. Fish & Chips, Pizza, Chinese and Indian all taste great but they are not good for the waistline. I still feel bad though that I am not cooking everything myself. Home cooked meals are nicer but a lot more effort.


Hippomanic Jen said...

So, you are working full-time, studying and feel bad about frozen meals?

I think you're entitled. Personally I bung some still half-frozen meat into the pan and some frozen vegies into the microwave in those sort of situations. Pretty much a frozen meal. You can't do everything, but I love that you try!

abocefen-tamf said...
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