Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hair care

I have great hair. I know, I know FIGJAM. But seriously, I love my hair. It is fully bodied. It is dark brown. It is wavy without being too curly or hard to manage. It sits well no matter what I do with it. I have no control over what it does, but oddly that doesn't bother me. I am happy with it.

I really like the colour brown that it is so........... I have never dyed it. Yes that is correct cowboys, I am almost 30, a child of the modern world but I have NEVER dyed my hair. Not even a rinse.

I did try once. I had very long hair at the time and went into a hairdresser I had never been to before in the city. I spoke to the hairdresser about dying my hair blonde, really really blonde. We talked about it for a long time and in the end she talked me out of it. She explained the maintenance, the ongoing costs and the toll that it would take on my hair. She didn't paint a pretty picture.

I am not big on hair maintence. I usually have my haircut once every 12 to 18 months. It doesn't need cutting very often. I don't get split ends because I don't use a hair straightener or a blow dryer. I actually don't even own a hair dryer or a straightener. I just towel dry it after I wash it and then let it dry.

So all in all it was probably best that I didn't go blonde. I don't think I would have coped with the upkeep.

I do care about my hair, I am just not big on hair care.


Hippomanic Jen said...

Although I would love more body, I'm with you on the low maintenance hair - that's why I rarely get it layered short. Too much product and needing to blow-dry. Suffered plaitting it up every time I washed it during the '80s so that it would be curly, but I'm now so glad that Mum and Dad wouldn't pay for a perm. At least I'm saved from all those frizzy photos!

However, you mentioned that you have body. Therefore on principle I must hate you. Sorry, but that's just the way it goes. ;)

Givinya De Elba said...

Yes, you DO have awesome hair! And if it aint broke, don't fix it!

I too do nothing with my hair, but I am one of the people who perhaps should.