Monday, November 09, 2009

Hay fever Hell

I don't know what the hell is causing it but I have hay fever badly again today.

Despite washing everything in my bedroom (including the pillows) and vacuuming the whole place to within an inch of its life (including the air conditioning unit)....

My nose is this colour

and my eyes are watering

and my head is cloudy

and my thoughts are muddled

and the drugs don't work at all

and I may be feeling ever so slightly sorry for myself.....


Givinya De Elba said...

Oh no, my eyes are watering just to read about it!

I get it mildly, and it's ghastly. I'm so sorry for everyone who 'gets it bad'!

pam said...

Oh no! You poor thing.

Anonymous said...

i feel your pain! Sometimes i wish i could pluck my eyes out and rinse them in a nice cool glass of water... ugh.

Nathan said...

Utah is ground zero for pollen in the U.S.

I'd argue it's probably responsible for half the allergy cases in the Western Hemisphere.

Fortunately, I haven't been hit real bad yet, but I can feel my good luck coming to an end.