Friday, November 06, 2009

My turn to smell like dirt?

The council replaced our water main today and all the water smells like soil. So instead of asking if it was my turn for the shower......


Odd Jeppesen said...

Water is supposed to wash away dirt, not smell like it. Have you tried leaving the water running for an hour or so?

Long dark hair, blue eyes said...

I tried that - but it felt so unnatural leaving the tap on for a long time. We have pretty heavy water restrictions here in Queensland at the moment and I feel bad "wasting" water. Towards the end of my shower the water quality was better - not brilliant - but better.

Hippomanic Jen said...

We had heavy restrictions years ago and when the water quality was bad the Council's solution was to open a valve and let water run down the street. We all felt that they'd be better if they simply told everyone to turn on their outdoor taps for an hour instead so that the dead grass or gardens could have enjoyed it. However, storm water from roads ends up running to the creek, and the Condamine is the start of the Murray Darling System, so maybe they were under contract by people in South Australia to put more water into the river.