Sunday, July 18, 2010

Shopping while tired

There are a lot of reasons not to shop when you are tired. The primary one being that you will buy significantly more groceries than you actually need. And in my case those extra groceries usually have little nutritional value.

Yesterday I went shopping my husband and brother for dinner. We wanted some salads, bread and meat. I also had the bright idea of buying some trail mix to take on a walk we were going to do today. We found the dried fruit without any problems but I could not find the nuts. Because we were in an unfamiliar supermarket I suggested we spread out and each take a different isle.  Husband and brother both dutifully walked down their isles looking at the shelves but with no success. After checking the rest of the supermarket I went back to those isles and what do you think I found? - nuts.

It was then that I realised that neither husband nor brother actually knew what they were looking for.  Both were tired and hungry which apparently made them blindly obedient. And once we all worked out what had happened the tired shopping trip also made us all hysterical with laughter.


Kitty and Glen said...

I'm guessing you also had the added fun of shopping in a supermarket in a foreign language. Not knowing what the signs about each aisle say makes things even more difficult!

Allegro ma non troppo said...

Thought that rule was never go shopping when you're hungry. The worst that's happened to me when shopping tired is that I lost my list halfway through the shop, and just had to give up and go home.

Hippomanic Jen said...

I don't know, sounds like you shouldn't shop while male to me.

Hippomanic Jen said...

But then, that's probably exactly what they were after...

Givinya De Elba said...

Hip-Jen is spot on.

Can't believe Crazy Sister lost her list. That's nowhere near as Crazy as her life usually is. On more than one occasion, my baby boy has snatched the list out of my hand and I've absent-mindedly let him eat it. EAT it, I said. The list. So I've been unable to finish my shopping. Because my list was EATEN. Which is something that would happen at Graze.