Monday, August 17, 2009

Ticket addiction

Addiction: an obsession, compulsion, or excessive psychological dependence

I have an addiction to buying tickets.

It makes bus rides just kidding I don't mean that kind of tickets.

I am addicted to buy theatre tickets. The problem stems from the set up of the qtix website. I have worked out how to get really good seats to see shows. So from time to time I log onto the website to see if there are any good seats available and when I find there are I am inclined to buy them. It is a kind of expensive habit actually.

I had a quick "session" the other night. As a result we have front row tickets to see Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat in a few weeks. I am really looking forward to it. We saw it earlier in the year and it was really excellent - but we weren't as close to the front. It will be interesting to see if being so close to the action improves the performance - probably not but we are going now anyway.We are also going to see a play by the Melbourne theatre company at the begining of Septemeber.

But I really must stop looking at the website. It is to tempting and I am addicted!

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