Monday, February 22, 2010

Shoes, shoes, shoes

I have been looking at the Peter Sheppard shoe catalogue and am horrified at how expensive the shoes they sell are! I mean honestly, who spends $350 on a pair of shoes? I don't actually care if the shoes were made in Italy by a deaf mute who eats only spinach out of the finest beige suede leather from Panama goats, I refuse to spend that much money on shoes.

If I am completely honest I did once by a very expensive pair of shoes. I think they were about $300, and they were purchased before I had a home (read: mortgage) or any real financial commitments. I should have known I was making a mistake when the salesgirl assured me that they were a classic style and would last me til at least the end of the season. I don't know about you but I keep shoes for years. I do not really care if they are in fashion so long as they and comfortable and cute on me.

Anyway, I bought the hideously expensive shoes. I then had to "keep them for good" which is something I don't do a lot since I strongly believe in using your nice/good things all the time. But in this case I made an exception which meant it was some months until I actually wore the shoes.

When I did finally wear them I was disappointed to find them uncomfortable and impractical. The backs fell off my heel and the soles were so flat and smooth I could slide on just about any surface. Wearing them was like an uncomfortable version of skiing, I constantly felt like I was going to fall down. And occasionally I did. Very embarrassing in expensive Italian heels.

I did learn my lesson though. I will never again buy such expensive shoes!

unless of course they were on sale.....

1 comment:

Hippomanic Jen said...

Oh, the post-purchase depression! Don't you hate it when something you've bought to be special justs ends up painful? (or embarrassing).