Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Idiosyncratic Glass

We all have our little idiosyncrasies. One of mine is that I worry that one day most people in the world will die and only a few of us will be left - think an scenario like in Stephen King's The Stand.

I worry that if this happens no one will know how to do anything, like grow food, build houses etc because most of the world's population aren't engaged in those sorts of earthy jobs. There seem to be a lot of us who work in offices and make no obvious contribution to the day to day survival of the species.

Today I decided that should everyone else die I would really like to be able to make glass. I like glass and I think I would miss windows if I didn't have any. So I googled "glass making" and now understand the theory behind how to make glass.

My glass making knowledge will also be helpful if I ever get transported back to 16th centenary England and have to win over the royal family by helping them refurbish their castle.

You might call it odd. I prefer the term idiosyncratic.


Hippomanic Jen said...

So you have the theory of glass-making down pat. And I have a half-finished vegie garden. Together we'll make it!

Givinya De Elba said...

I can offer some cooking skills. But you'll have to get Photoshop help from someone else.

Long dark hair, blue eyes said...

Excellent Jen. I will make the glass and you can grow the food.

Kate - you can grow the flowers and cook for us all. I know you will be good at both. But I don't think we will have to worry about photoshop...

Femina said...

I can knit! Of course, I can't actually shear sheep or spin wool, so that may be problematic.

I have a friend, who may be a little crazy, who has an emergency box packed at all times with blankets, first aid kit, tinned food, can opener etc. One in her car and one in her home. She has also researched how to make yeast...

Nathan said...

I've thought about this too, and since I'm one of those people in an office building with no real contribution to society, natural selection would quickly do me in.

Maybe I can just be the village idiot ...