Saturday, April 28, 2007

Buses and The Big Smoke

Well, due to a change in my husbands employment circumstances (READ: Tom changed jobs) we are now catching the bus to and from work each day. I am quite enjoying it. It is nice to have time to relax together each day.We get on the bus early enough to always get a seat and so far have always been able to get two seats together. It is nice to sit together each day and mellow before and after work.

As yet we have been out for lunch only once. So far Tom has only showed interest in the one place for lunch - which happens to be the cheapest (and freshest) place to eat in the city - Harry's place in Rowes arcade. But there are so many others on offer. My favorites are Ye oldie worldie (clearly not the real name of the restuarant), the Theodore club(no this is not a strip joint - it is an rsl style club in the city - former run by the masons), MYO in Anzac Square and Saffron. I suspect there are other really good places to eat in the city but I don't know about them. I was keen on Bay Swiss too but after the food poisoning incident I am less keen. So I am hoping over the next few weeks/months Tom will let me show him all my fav spots for a good meal. Otherwise I suppose I will have to settle for the $2.50 ham and salad sandwich from Harry's place which lets face it would probably be better for my budget and my waistline....

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