Friday, July 24, 2009

Domestic Bliss

After thinking about it, talking about it and googling it for years I have finally got a cleaner.
Working full time and traveling twice a month plus studying law and keeping my house tidy and clean is unsustainable. I am great at the tidy part but not brilliant at cleaning. In my defense I am allergic to both dust and bathroom mold. But if I am honest I just hate cleaning. I am good if I am in the mood but I am not in the mood very often.

So my wonderful husband organised a cleaner to come once a fortnight for the very reasonable price of $49. I think that is pretty good value. I do feel bad for spending the money on it though, when it could be going towards our huge mortgage or something more worthwhile like food. You will be pleased to know that despite this guilt I am pushing through and having the cleaner anyway because I don't think having my house paid off sooner will really be very meaningful if I go insane with stress anyway.

There is another component to having a domestic helper. I feel that as a woman and as I wife I am not fulfilling my role properly. And despite the whole gender equality thing we pretend to have going on I still feel like the home is my responsibility and I am failing by not being able to care for it myself. I feel guilty that I have to pay someone else to help me. But again you will be pleased to know that I am working through this guilt and having the cleaner come anyway. But I do feel bad.

And Yes if you must know I did clean a little before the cleaner came. I know I know. There is no need to say it!


Givinya De Elba said...

That is great, and the price is reasonable too! I totally agreed with what you said about the gender equality thing we pretend weve go going on - so true!!

For some reason, I still think that the bulk of the childcare and housework is mine to keep, and I sorta like it that way! Can't explain that, despite my training and career and all that.

I just think I'm good at it and want to hold on to it.

Hippomanic Jen said...

I wish I had a cleaner, but never have had one. I'm lucky, though, because my Beloved also cleans - and it's changed about a couple of times depending on who's busiest at work.

Hippomanic Jen said...

and yes, I think I would need to clean before the cleaner came.