Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Can't get that hymn out of my head

I my opinion the best Easter hymn is Christ is Risen (In the Tomb so cold). But sadly it was not one chosen to be part of the worship at my church on Sunday. This was disappointing for two reasons. 1. I was expecting it and very disappointed not to sing it 2. All I can remember is the chorus which has been stuck in my head since last Friday and remains there quite oblivious to my distress.

I have tried looking for it on Youtube and Googling it to no avail. I think I am destined to sing the chorus for the next few weeks until I finally remember some of the lyrics or my husband throttles me for singing the same two bars over and over again.


Emily Sue said...

In The Tomb So Cold
Here you go... I looked it up on CCLI. :)

Chorus 1
Christ is risen
Death has been conquer'd
Christ is risen
He shall reign for ever

Verse 1
In the tomb so cold they laid Him
Death its victim claim'd
Pow'rs of hell they could not hold Him
Back to life He came

Verse 2
Hell had spent its fury on Him
Left Him crucified
Yet by blood He boldly conquered
Sin and death defied

Verse 3
Now the fear of death is broken
Love has won the crown
Pris'ners of the darkness listen
Walls are tumbling down

Verse 4
Raised from death to heaven ascending
Love's exalted King
Let His song of joy unending
Through the nations ring

© 1986 Thankyou Music (Admin. by Crossroad Distributors Pty. Ltd.)
Graham Kendrick

Givinya De Elba said...

Wow, some friends are so quick off the mark!

A good one to have in your head.

In my darkest times this is always suck in my head:

"Strength for today, and bright hope for tomorrow ..."

and I think that's a pretty good one to have with you in times of crisis.

Nathan said...

That is perhaps a better song than the theme songs from the Barbie movies (which, thanks to my daughter and her addictions to them, run though my head as a continual soundtrack).

Allegro ma non troppo said...

I don't know that one! I get "Christ the Lord is Risen Today, aaa-aaa-aaa-aaa-le-luuuuuu-ia..." stuck in my head at Easter.

(Probably that's not the actual title...)

And it's definitely better than the incidental music for the Wall-E computer game that my kids play to drive me insane.

Hippomanic Jen said...

Glad Emily Sue could help out. I hate songs stuck in my head, because it's often one that I don't know enough of and you're right, you sing the same 2 lines over and over. Grrr!