Welcome to 2010 everyone.
I didn't stay up last night to watch the fireworks; we were in bed by 9.30. I did however wake up to hear my neighbours yelling
Happy New Year and took the time to lean over and wake Tom up with a new year kiss.
This year, like the last one, is going to be a great one.
I have some specific goals for this year. I would like to work fewer hours, get through a few more uni subjects, start our house renovations, convince Tom to go to France for a cycling holiday with my bro and some other stuff.
I have no specific new years resolutions (despite the goals), however if I were to eat better and exercise more I wouldn't be disappointed.
2009 was a good year for me, both personally and professionally. My first niece was born. I had some great opportunities to work in some quite senior roles. I received my first high distinction for a university subject. Tom attained the professional certification he has been working on for a couple of years. We hired and fired our first cleaner. I turned 30, we had a great party.
2009 went by very quickly. I hope 2010 is a little bit longer, and feels a little bit slower. Life is good, it would be nice to slow the pace this year and enjoy it more.